The map settings in Jobify are global, meaning all map instances will respect these settings.
Available Settings
- Google Maps API Key
- Info Bubble Trigger
- Use Clusters
- Cluster Grid Size
- Autofit on load
- Default Center Coordinate
- Default Zoom Level
- Max Zoom In Level
- Max Zoom Out Level
- Zoom with Scrollwheel
Google Maps API Key
If you are going to be performing a large number of queries, then you will need to use a Google Maps API key. You can find out more regarding query limits on the Google Maps API website
Info Bubble Trigger
Control when the popup containing additional information for each marker is shown.
- Hover
- Click
Use Clusters
Clustering allows for a more organized map and better map performance.
Use Clusters
Clusters are formed when one or more other map markers are within the number of specified px of another at the current zoom level. You can alter the number of pixels(px) with this field.
Autofit on Load
By default, the map will zoom to the correct level to show all markers and clusters. This can be turned off, however, a “Default Center” and “Default Zoom” level must be specified.
Default Center
A default coordinate setting. This only is respected if “Autofit Initially” is disabled. The coordinate must be in the following format: 45.544292,-122.643063
. Two comma-separated integers. You do not need any degree symbols.
Default Zoom Level
When a default center coordinate is set the Default Zoom setting will be used to set the default zoom level.
Max Zoom In Level
The maximum level the map can be zoomed in. After this point, if a cluster is still showing the cluster will pop up a lightbox and display the items in the cluster. This must be larger than the Default Zoom Level.
Max Zoom Out Level
The maximum the map can be zoomed out. This must be larger than the Default Zoom and lower than the Maximum Zoom In.
Zoom with Scrollwheel
Enable this option to use the mouse scroll wheel to control the map zoom levels.