While creating a Vendor account, ensure that you carry this out while not logged into your site. In cases where you try creating accounts when logged in via the admin backend, you will be locked out of your original account.
Within this doc, we will address what to do when locked out, directly from the database following the steps below:
1. Access your Control Panel
Login into the control panel that your host provides such as cPanel.
2. Click on phpMyAdmin
3. Locate your database and select the wp_users table
4. Add a new User
Within the wp-user table, click on the Insert link to add a new user
- ID — Enter any available ID number that is not used by any other user account
- user_login — The username for this new user
- user_pass — The raw password the user will login with
- PS: The function dropdown to the left must be set to MD5
- user_nicename — Specify a nickname of your preference
- user_email — The email address associated with this user
- user_status — Set this to 0
- display_name — This is the display name for the user
Once these details are filled in, click on the “Go” button.
5. Select the wp_usermeta table
Within the left side, select the wp_usermeta table
6. Select the Insert tab
7. Add the User Meta data
- user_id — Same ID from Step 4.
- meta_key – wp_capabilities
- meta_value — a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}
Click Go button at the bottom.
8. Click on the Insert tab again.
- unmeta_id: This field will auto-generate when you click on the “Go” button, so ensure that you leave it blank.
- user_id: Previously you entered a number into the ID field. Please ensure that you enter the same number now.
- meta_key: Enter wp_user_level.
- meta_value: Enter 10
Click on the Go button.
With this done, the new account is now created and you can now try logging into your WordPress dashboard using the new account.