How to Translate Jobify to your own language using GlotPress

Jobify is translation ready and comes with translatable .po / .mo files.

GlotPress helps you collaborate online with your WordPress translators. Within this doc, we will cover the steps required to have the Jobify theme translated using GlotPress.

Step 1. Access the Jobify GlotPress project

We have our project hosted here

Step 2: Login or create an account

From the link, you can click on the login link on the far right to login or create an account if you don’t have one yet.

Within the languages list, you will notice a couple of terms:

%: This indicates the percentage of Strings translated within a specific locale

Translated: These are the already translated Strings

Fuzzy: These are Strings translated differently by various translators

Untranslated: These are Strings that yet to be translated

Waiting: This indicates the Strings that are already translated but yet to be approved

Step 3: Click on the language you would wish to translate

Step 4: Select any untranslated String and have it translated

To translate a String you will need to double click on the “Translation” section of the String.

Add the translation and save it

Once this is done, the project validator or editor will then need to validate the Strings. 

With the translation validated and approved, it will then be available within the theme.

Exporting the Translation files.

In order to use the translations immediately, you will need to export the translation file in the .po & .mo format and upload it to the languages folder (wp-content/languages/themes/) using FTP / SFTP following correct naming convention in order to ensure that WordPress understands what language you are referring to.

 Be sure to prefix the text domain (Jobify) before the language code. Capitalization is also of importance here.

For the language codes, please refer this list.

A sample output for the language we used within this doc would be: jobify-pt-br.po and

The files will therefore have the directory path:



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